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Four Questions That So Many Ask

While listening to a sermon  this morning by Voddie Bauchum, I found the content of his sermon very interesting, and I took some notes. I thought I would share them with you, and don't forget, these are my notes on his sermon;) 
There are four questions that most, if not all people ask...
1. Who am I? 
2. Why am I here?
3. What is wrong with this world? 
4. How can what is wrong, be made right?
Bauchum went into great detail, that I couldn't write down, so I will share what I did write:)
First- here are the worlds answers...
1. You are nobody....a mistake, an accident. 
2. To consume and enjoy...(and he added in there..."get all you can, can all you get and sit on the can";) 
3. People are either insufficantly educated, or insufficantly governed. 
4. By getting/giving more education, and governing more carefully. - Either people need to know more, or they need to be more carefully watched. 
Does that sound like a good world view? Makes you want to love your life, right? No. Wrong.  It does not. And you wonder why you see so many people who hate their lives, who are hurting, who are desperate. Well, when you are told that and you believe it, no wonder you feel that way. 
Let's compare the world's answers with the Bible's answers. 
1. Colossians 1:15-16a. Hmm, you would think this verse that is referenced would be telling you who you are, since that was the question right? Well, we can't know who we are, until we understand who HE is...because without Him, we are nothing. It is because of HIM that we are...the crowning glory of the creation of God. I am not referencing them, but there are many verses in the scripture that tell us what we are, in Christ. We are made in the image of God (Gen. 1:27)! Also read Psalm 139. I am sure a sermon could be given on who we are. 
2. Why are we here? Colossians 1:16b All things were created for Him and by what does that tell us? We were created for God. We were created to bring honor and glory to God. We are not here to have a nice car, to have a large house, to make a lot of money...those things are inherently bad though. "God is not against you having things, He is against things having you." - Bauchum. 
3. What's wrong with this world? You! Me! This world has rejected Christ. (Colossians 1:19-21a) We have rejected Him. That's what is worng with this world. 
4. How can what is wrong, be made right? Because if there was no making it right, no one would want to live, correct? Whether or not their definition of right is correct, people want and try to make things right; because they can see that there is something wrong with this world. 
So how can it be make right? Colossians 1:21b-22. By the the precious blood of the spotless, blameless, holy Lamb of God, who died for me...for you. So that He could present us, "holy, blameless, and above reproach in His sight." (Colossians 1:22b) 
What's worng with the world? Our sin. "What can wash away my sin? NOTHING...but the blood...of Jesus." The spotless Lamb of God was crushed and killed to pay a debt He didn't owe, for His creatures who can not and never will be able to pay Him back. 
And as a closing note, if we are here to glorify God, know this...
God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him. 
I hope this makes sense...if you want to get the whole message, you can look it up on YouTube. 
It's is called, "The supremecy of Christ in truth in a postmodern world." By Voddie Bauchum. 
I'm pretty sure I have the title correct, I may have the wording mixed up a little... but if you type that In you should find it. 
Until next time,
By the way, I always proof read my blog posts, so I hope you don't find any typos...but if you do, feel free to let me know:) and I will fix them:) 


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