I could not think if an interesting post name, so that's what it's going to be called:). No, I didn't call it "woody" for nothing;) I've been working with wood a lot lately.
We built our own house eleven years ago and actually never had time to finish it before we moved in; and over the many years we have lived here, we've never finished it all. There are still door jams to be built, doors to be painted and put up, and trim to be cut and stained and put in.
Dad has been much too busy with our large family; and my brothers, Elijah and Joshua, grew up and never did it either. So Dad has me doing that these days. It's nice to be able to work from home, but can be a challenge. Each "work place" has its own challenges:)
The pictures below are some "work-in-process" shots:)
Boards, stained and ready for polyurethane to go on! The next step is to cut them:)
No, I didn't leave the cross painted on the door...it just made a nice "in-progress" picture:)
These pictures are from a closet I just finished.
Working with my hands is what I like best:)
Until next time,