And look at yourself in the mirror, and say, "it's okay if your list of projects won't get done before you go to bed if; you made a sad heart happy, made your little brother want to be "good", listened to a story that really needed telling, opened up your heart to a sibling who needed to talk, was patient with someone who was working slower than you'd like, gave grace to someone who didn't finish their work and thus has put you behind, or simply because you had too much on list;)"
Sometimes I ask myself, "What is really important today, Elise? You getting your work done, or being the big sister God's called you to be? And by the way, that doesn't mean you have to drop your list- you just have to go about it differently."
Sometimes I just have to stop and look at the big picture, rethink my priorities, and put them back where they should be.
Balance. Balance. Balance.
Ha- most people who know me know that I am always saying, "There must be a balance."
All relationships and no work is bad just like all work and no relationships is bad. And some days I find it hard to strike that balance. Today was just one of those days.
And you know- the important things got done today- the cow was milked,
And piano lessons were taught, meals were made, and Dad and I even had a little bit of time to run to Lowes and get the lumber I needed to finish another project.
To the task-oriented people out there (like me;)- remember that people are more important than our to-do list. Let's strike a happy medium:)
Until next time,