Before you read this, I apologize for how long it takes me to get a point across. I hope you understand my point with out too much trouble ;)
Many people have asked me if I plan to go to college now that I am graduated high school; I normally reply that if God so wills, I will do so, but as of right now, I do not see Him leading there. And I have been thinking about that response recently, and it seems that there could be an attitude behind that mentality that is seen in many young peoples lives, within the "christian" circle.
Many people have asked me if I plan to go to college now that I am graduated high school; I normally reply that if God so wills, I will do so, but as of right now, I do not see Him leading there. And I have been thinking about that response recently, and it seems that there could be an attitude behind that mentality that is seen in many young peoples lives, within the "christian" circle.
I know some young people who have not really done anything with their life after they graduated high school. This is not to say that they are wrong for not going to college, as I do not believe everyone needs to go to college. But if you are sitting around "waiting for God to show you what to do" and it's been a couple years, maybe you are not diligently seeking God's will for your life.
I do not mean to make this task out to be an easy one, for I have now joined the group of young people who have graduated and are now searching for the next step, and I do not find it easy.
But while you are unsure of what to do next, look for people around you who have needs that you can meet, and look for the open doors that God places in front of you instead of sitting at home, waiting for God to "bring it to your door step." God is not going to send you an email telling you what the next step is; you have to actively look, and God will open doors where He wants you to go.
Just because you are not going to college, does not mean you are idle. College is not the answer to everything. God has opened a door for me to start my own natural soap business and I plan to continue investing in that now that I have more spare time. But I know that is not the only thing that God has for me to do.
I see this "waiting mentality" mostly in young women who have finished school. They wait for "God to show them what is next" and they wait around hoping to get married to a wonderful guy who loves the Lord. It's good to want a godly man, but you can't just sit at home, hoping he is going to come find you. And besides, most guys want a girl who is doing something useful and productive with their life- a girl who has a bigger purpose than to just get married. Someone who wants the Lord to use them to make a difference in the world around them, and is seeking God's will on how they are to do that. They are active! And what if god does not have marriage for you? What then? You will be sitting around for a long time and waiting for something that is not going to happen. We don't know if God has marriage for us, no every girl gets married. And that goes back to having a bigger purpose in life than just getting married :) We need to actively be seek God to know what he wants us to do and we have to be looking for the doors God opens for us.
Some of you farm girls out there are probably thinking, "Well, I guess I won't get married because I have to keep working on this farm. I have to just sit at home and just work away on the farm." But that is not true! First of all, you have to think of it differently. Depending on how big your farm, your farm may be a full time job. So you are doing something, you are serving your father, family and maybe even community by working on that farm. People are not going to look at your everyday life and think you sit at home and do nothing. You are busy working everyday- it just doesn't look like everyone else, but that's okay- every one's life looks different. Now if you live on farm but it does not take all your time and energy, maybe you could/should look into be active else where so you do not spend your spare time idly.
There are all kinds of ways we young people can be busy doing the things God wants us to do and even many ways of looking for the path god has for us, but sitting at home, "waiting for God" isn't really seeking to know what God has for us and you won't know that God has already opened doors for you in a certain area if you are not actively looking :)
I hope that was not too tedious to read or hard to understand- I'm not real good at writing out my thoughts in a straight-forward way :)
Congratulations to all of you who have graduated this year and are now seeking God's will on the next step. Remember to actively seek the Lord and He will open doors for you in the direction he wants you to go! Always follow His leading, even if the crowds say it's crazy!
God bless you as you seek Him and His ways!
Until Next Time
~ Elise