As graduation is getting closer, it is starting to seem more real. It's really, I used to think the day would never come. I thought I would always be in school, but it is not so. The older I get, the faster time passes. Life changes so quickly. Watching my two older brothers grow up and pursue the things God has called them to do, hasn't been the easiest thing I ever done. In fact, it has been somewhat hard. But yet, I know it is life; life must continue. Someday, maybe when I am preparing to move out of the house and start my own home, I will realize how necessary it really is.
I can't keep time standing is always changing and there is nothing I can do about it- except learn to love my new normal. I used to look at other families, that had a lot of children like us, and then little by little, their children moved out, got married and started their own homes. and it seemed like we would always be together, our family, that is. But it isn't so. It makes me treasure the moments I have with my family- knowing that one day all too soon, it won't be the same. Children grow up, parents grow old, siblings get married, and life's pattern continues until the day that Jesus comes back for His children. May I be making the most of my time for I don't know when He is coming back. I don't have enough time to fret about things of no eternal value.
I can't keep time standing is always changing and there is nothing I can do about it- except learn to love my new normal. I used to look at other families, that had a lot of children like us, and then little by little, their children moved out, got married and started their own homes. and it seemed like we would always be together, our family, that is. But it isn't so. It makes me treasure the moments I have with my family- knowing that one day all too soon, it won't be the same. Children grow up, parents grow old, siblings get married, and life's pattern continues until the day that Jesus comes back for His children. May I be making the most of my time for I don't know when He is coming back. I don't have enough time to fret about things of no eternal value.