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Showing posts from June, 2015

Happy Birthday Kristen!

Happy birthday kristen! I pray that one day you will be a lovely servant for God!  I love you very much:)  You are growing up so fast- what am I going to do with ya?  I hope you had a great birthday!  Love your big(gest) sister, Elise

A day out with Nan

Nan has been down for a week, just visiting and helping out. She took all us children out for lunch a few at a time:). Yesterday, she took me, Olivia, Lydia, and Sophia out for lunch, and it was decided that we would go to Five Guys since we had never been:) After eating a good lunch, we went shopping with Nan for some clothes she wanted. We had a great time, and like usual, I have some pictures to share:)  Yes, they were trying on hats and being weirdo for the camera- hams!! Haha:) Olivia and I were matching too๐Ÿ˜‰  Enjoy the pictures y'all!  Until next time, Elise

Happy birthday to my little man!

Happy birthday, Micah! I love you very much and pray that you will one day be a man after God's own heart!  Hope you had a special birthday!  Love your sister, Elise It if not the most flattering picture of me, but what is most important is that it's a nice picture of him๐Ÿ˜Š

My Little Buddy

I love little Buddies=) It so happens that most of my friends I see quite often, are littles and their mommies:)  I got to spend a little time with one of my little buddies and her mommy last night:)  I have one really cute picture to share with ya too๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜  That's my little peacie:)  I'm so grateful for little people- they make my life- especially when I don't get to see my "big girl friends" very often, because they live so far away:(   Someday, I want to have a lot of little people☺️  Until next time,  Elise 


I was so excited to see some dear, dear friends of ours at my graduation party. They came down from Delaware to surprise Olivia and I, but sadly, I was not as surprised as Olivia was. I had seen a message  go through on the iPad to our friend that contained a link for the local hotel. And being the person I am, I put things together right away... They were probably coming for my party as a surprise. Bummer, I had ruined my surprise! I also took note of the fact that they never answered yes or no to the evite we sent out through email, and of the fact that when they sent me a card, it did not say, " wish we could be there with you", but "we will be thinking of you" or something of that sort. I was not 100% sure they were coming, but I was 90% sure๐Ÿ˜‰ but thankfully I had forgotten about all this, since it had occurred about two weeks prior to the party. Note: I am known for accidentally ruining my own surprises. I don't mean to, I just hear something, or see somet...

CLASS 2015

Olivia and I are so excited to be finished with high school! We were able to attend the Richmond HEAV homeschool graduation ceremony and we enjoyed it very much.  We are also very grateful for our parents and family who helped us host a party to celebrate this mile stone for us!  The forecast was calling for rain and although we prayed that the rain would hold off, it rained anyway. But God knew we needed the rain to cool off our 95 degree day!  A big storm rolled in around 2:30 just as we were getting ready to eat lunch, but thankfully the downpour did not last more than 10 minutes. After lunch, it continued to rain a steady rain with little breaks now and then. But who says you can't play volley ball in the rain?  So we played anyway. We had a lot of fun- I hope everyone else did as well.  Thank you to everyone who came out and helped make our day such a special one.  After volley ball had been exhausted, we jammed on the porch/patio for a while and that ...

Waiting V.S Seeking

       Before you read this, I apologize for how long it takes me to get a point across. I hope you understand my point with out too much trouble ;)       Many people have asked me if I plan to go to college now that I am graduated high school; I normally reply that if God so wills, I will do so, but as of right now, I do not see Him leading there.  And I have been thinking about that response recently, and it seems that there could be an attitude behind that mentality that is seen in many young peoples lives, within the "christian" circle. I know some young people who have not really done anything with their life after they graduated high school.   This is not to say that they are wrong for not going to college, as I do not believe everyone needs to go to college. But if you are sitting around "waiting for God to show you what to do" and it's been a couple years, maybe you are not diligently seeking God's will for your life.  I do...

New Life on a Homestead

I told you that Callie was expecting a calf, right?  When we went to Florida, we thought she would have it while we were gone, but as it turned out, she didn't. {and we were very glad she did not} A week after returning from our Florida adventures, when Nathan and I were out checking Callie, we found her in Labor! It was a family affair to watch Callie- poor girl. We all watched as Callie gave birth to a beautiful little calf!   And since Callie's real name is Caledonia, we named her little bull, Scotland-Scottie for short :) And so Scottie was born at 11:30 Saturday morning, on May 23rd 2015.  And I have pictures as well, like always =) The story of Scottie's birth: Nathan and I were in my herb garden, discussing the fact that Callie had not yet had her calf, when we decided to go down to her pasture and check on her. When we arrived, we found her in labor, quietly standing through contractions. We were quite excited, and sat down to watch her. After some time, we r...

Time Marches On

As graduation is getting closer, it is starting to seem more real.  It's really, I used to think the day would never come. I thought I would always be in school, but it is not so. The older I get, the faster time passes.   Life changes so quickly. Watching my two older brothers grow up and pursue the things God has called them to do, hasn't been the easiest thing I ever done.  In fact, it has been somewhat hard.  But yet, I know it is life; life must continue.  Someday, maybe when I am preparing to move out of the house and start my own home, I will realize how necessary it really is. I can't keep time standing is always changing and there is nothing I can do about it- except learn to love my new normal.  I used to look at other families, that had a lot of children like us, and then little by little, their children moved out, got married and started their own homes.  and it seemed like we would always be together, our family,...