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In which I realize I haven't given an update in some time...

I'm sorry- I know I haven't posted in a little least it seems it has been a little while. But I am sure you know by now that lack of posting simply means, lack of time. I would tell you that I have been busy preparing to leave for Alabama- but I'm sure you don't want to hear that-again. Instead, I will share some pictures with you that I have been trying to take, as I try and make the most out of my time left here at home. 
She said, "I just want to spend time you you...we can do somethings special,.."

I finished crocheting the first of four blankets I hope to take with me to Alabama:) 
While the angle is weird and my arm is stuck in the way- this picture captures the fun we had on the tree swing:) 
This past Tuesday was my last day teaching piano until I get back! 
                I'm going to miss him! 
There is something so refreshing about watching the sun rise and wake the world. 
 Easter Sunday- celebrating the resurrection of Christ! And we had a house full of people:) We played some games and had good disscusion- and ate good food;) 
Spring is in full bloom everywhere and I am enjoying it to the fullest! 

Our neighbors barn is so pretty with the budding trees and bright green grass:) 

I ordered a book from Voice of the Mytars 
That came last week and I have been blessed and encouraged as I read the stories of fellow brothers and sisters around the world who are standing up for Christ no matter what it costs them. If you want to know how to pray for our brethern in chains, this book will give helpful insight on how we can pray. 

We have some new kittens on the farm! 
I love having new life on the farm! 
And I believe that pretty summarizes what I have been busy doing...though I did not mention my normal work during the week...
I did build my first door jam, and that's finished now:) I enjoyed that- got two more to go;) 
Pretty soon, I think my posts will be filled with pictures of my upcoming "vacation" with my sister, and then little children who have stolen my heart;) Soooo...
Until next time, 


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