As beautiful as this snow is, I was reminded of something even more beautiful tonight. I was thinking about all the children who don't have a good home, or worse, no home at all, and want to be loved so bad. The only person who can fix those children's problems is Jesus, through me and you.
As I thought about what I wanted to do after graduation this past year, the thought that kept coming to me seemed so simplistic, "I just want to help needy, and hurting people." And I prayed that God would use me to do that, somehow, someway. But as I was thinking about all the hurt in this world, and at the time, particularly for children in foster care and such, it made me angry that the government is so controlling and won't let those who truly care, do what the children really need. And for some reason, John 15:35 came to mind,"Jesus wept", and that may sound like such a random verse, but my train of thought gave that verse a renewed meaning. Jesus wasn't weeping because Lazarus died...He was weeping because of all the hurt and grief our sin brough into this world. And then I thought about the fact that it doesn't matter how hard I work, there will always be hurting people in this world. But...with God's help, that will never ever stop me from ministering to the needs of those around me and striving on, pressing upward to be the hands and feet of Christ. Then this thought struck me, and truly, I had never really thought about it before, even though that may be shocking to you. If I am following Christ, and doing what He has for me to do, it doesn't matter what He has me do, where He has me go, or how He has me do it, I will be ministering to the needy, and the hurting. Because that is part of my calling as His child; to spread the good news to those who don't know, to be Jesus' hands and feet...And that takes on many different shapes and forms. That was such an encouraging thought to me. Whether I get married and raise a family of warriors for the kingdom, or start an orphanage for the many children who need Jesus' love, or become a pastors wife, or stay single and minister to other women, or work with needy people over seas, whatever I do, as long as I am following where God leads me, I will ministering to needy and hurting people. And that is what I want to do. It seems it is such a simplistic thought...but it was like a match in my heart. And as much as I desire to be used by God, that doesn't have to be "once I get married, or move out," or whatever...
God has given me my own mission field right here, right now, that's where I have been called. I must be investing in my siblings lives and the friends He's given me, so that they can better be what God wants them to be, so that they can minister to those who He wants to place in their lives. I won't always be at home in this field, in fact, it's going to change soon. But right now, and right here is where I am, and I must make the most of it because I won't have this opportunity again. We must take advantage of where God has us. In our work place, in our homes, in our church...there is someone God wants to to minister to right there in your circle. If we are not "in tune" with God, we won't see the opportunities that He gives us.
That is such a powerful thought to me...I hope it's encouraging to you as well.
Until next time,