While at work today, I was a little bored, and I wanted to read. I always bring my Bible in my bag I take to work, so I figured I would read that:) I decided to read the proverb of the day (proverbs 9). Proverbs 9 talks about wisdom and foolishness. It speaks of how you will only hurt yourself by rebuking a scoffer. But if you instruct a wise man, he will love you. As I thought about that- the thought came to mind that I knew a few people who should read that passage. But the Lord quickly showed me my own heart attitude. Woe is me that I should think that so quickly! How do I respond when others point out foolishness in my own life? Or do others not point it out because I have shown myself to be prideful and arrogant? Always thinking I am right...
My first thought should not concern those who I think need it- but just focused one person, and that's me. None of us are as wise as we should or could be. We are all prideful at times, and that was a good reminder to me!
That was a heart check for me...and I needed it. How often I get caught up in what I think God should be teaching others instead of focusing on what God is teaching me. I am nothing special to brag about- I am in need of God's grace just as much as the person who is in jail, or the person who is a murderer...I need it just as much as any person...we all need it! I read a quote along these lines and I thought was really good.
"Our worst days are never so bad that we are beyond the reach of God's grace and our best days are never so good that we are beyond the need of God's grace."
It's so true.
Another thought along those lines...
My sister, Olivia, and I were talking this past week, and the thought came up, what if everyone could read your thoughts? What if they were on display for everyone to see? Would we be ashamed of ourselves? I know I would be at times. Well, God can always see/read our thoughts...it's like we said them when He is standing right next to us.
Ouch...that really makes you think, doesn't it?!
God has an aweful lot of work to do on me- it's a good thing He is good at multi-tasking;)
Until next time,