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Showing posts from April, 2015

Photo Shoot by Sheila Fuhrmann

Recently, a friend, Sheila, who is practicing to be a photographer, asked my sister Olivia and I if she could do a photo shoot for us, considering the fact that our graduation will soon be here. We both happily said, "sure!" The day turned out to be a cloudy one and we even got caught in a shower, But, we had fun anyway, and I thought Sheila did a nice job on the pictures :) Olivia and I have very different personalities! It's like comparing night and day. You will probably be able to guess who is the adventurous, and "exciting" personality ;) And now I  will upload a few photo's. (Photo credit goes to Sheila Fuhrmann.) And now for Olivia's picuters :) Be ready ;p  And then, some of us together :)  Me: "You really want me to jump?" Olivia: "I don't know, really?" And a BIG thank you to Sheila ...

Happy Birthday to a Wonderful Sister!!

We celebrated  my sister, Olivia's birthday this past week!  I was really excited about this day because I made her a very special gift =) I made her a hope chest.  It is true that Dad's usually give those to their daughters, but it was not going to work that way for Olivia.  I made it out of the wood we used almost nine years ago to build a goat barn. So after selling our goats recently, we took it apart.  She was so shocked when she came in the room and found it sitting next to her bed! I wish I had taken a video or picture of her face.  Happy birthday Olivia! I hope this is the best year of your life so far as you grow in your love for the Lord! I love you dearly! I made her Apple pie instead of the traditional cake for her birthday celebration :) The  Meggs family doesn't always like the normal way to do things.  And here is the chest I made for her :)  I have to finish a few minor details on it, but for the most par...

Saved by Grace

Recently I was asked to share my salvation testimony- and even though I have done that many times before, I can not help being amazed every time I share it.  I can not help but think how amazing God is for saving me! He continues to love me even when I forget about Him in my daily life! How could I forget about someone who loved me so much, that He died  for me!!? " And can it be that I should gain An interest in the Savior’s blood? Died He for me, who caused His pain— For me, who Him to death pursued? Amazing love! How can it be, That Thou, my God, wouldst die for me? Amazing love! How can it be, That Thou, my God, wouldst die for me?" And saying that, I thought I would share my testimony with you as well.  I have been raised in a godly, christian home and therefore, I grew up hearing the Bible read to me everyday.  When I was four years old, Daddy explained to me the importance of having a personal relationship with God. He explained that I could...

Finding Life again!

Wild life is always interesting to observe especially when you find on your own property.  While we were cleaning up the property today, in preparation for the first mowing, the younger children found some wildlife that we have missed since last summer. I apologize or the poor quality pictures- maybe next time I will be able to run downstairs and grab my camera- not the ipad :) They found a little toad And a little earth snake too! Forget the song- " It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas"! It's beginning to look a lot like Summer! I will have to go take some pictures of what it looks like around here:)

A New Chapter in Life

So I told you all about selling our goats so we would have room for a milk cow, right?  We sold the last goat this past week and now have our own milk cow! We have raised beef cows in the past, but never a milk cow. Her name is Caledonia - which some of us have joked about calling her cowidonia...but we thought we'd call her Callie for short. She is gentle and sweet tempered. We excitedly await the arrival of her calf in May! A new chapter in life has begun - we had goats for nine years and sold the last one this week.  We have now started a new chapter. It's sort of sad to think we will never have goats again.  We girls and the younger boys were helping Daddy dismantle the old bucks pen that we have had for so many years. To think of all the memories that wood holds..... you should be seeing some pictures of the calf before too long:)  Until then,      ~ Elise 

Beyond the Sunset

Beyond  The Sunset          Beyond the sunset,        O blissful morning,          When with our Saviour      Heav'n is begun.            Earth's toiling ended,          O glorious dawning;        Beyond the sunset         When day is done.