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Showing posts from November, 2015

Is It Really November?

I remember being told when I was young that time passes quickly. Of course, I didn't really believe it.  But as I have gotten older, I realize how true it is. I feel like I only lived a day or two of October! I don't know how many people read my blog, so I don't know if anyone has been wondering why I have been so silent, but if by any chance, you were, this post is to you :) I have really enjoyed the past 2-3 months; God has been teaching me a lot. I have been seeking direction on certain areas in life, and it is not always easy to wait on God. But waiting is sometimes the very best thing- it requires in the Lord, that He knows what He is doing, and has not forgotten you. Remembering that He loves you so much and has only the very best planned for you. And as I can only see to the next bend in the road, He can see the whole picture.  This is one of the things I have been reminded of these past few months. And I have also learned that waiting on the Lord ...